Tuesday, March 4, 2025

You Just Never Know

 I don’t have an Oscar story but I do have a Dolby (then Kodak) theater story. 

I needed some fake Oscars for a party at SLA in 2002 or so.  I took the subway to Hollywood and Highland but couldn’t get back to the subway because the sidewalk was blocked for an AFI Tribute to Tom Hanks. I knew I could cut through the theater lobby and ended up being escorted by a guy with a headset and a clip board.  I looked really important but he was escorting me all the way not because I was someone but because I rode the subway. He was really excited to tell me he rode the subway too.  

You just never know what will impress someone.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Random Memories

Kelly Henderson. You survived spending the day with me when you were somewhere around two. I put you in the backseat of  my VW convertible which I hope had a seatbelt and took you to visit a Montessori pre-school that a friend owned. You were a huge hit with all the kids. With my vast knowledge of children's behavior I didn't realize they saw you as a baby,  I asked my friend how everyone knew. Her answer: white shoes.

Rita Rookstool Kenefic. I shared the worst case of church laughing with you. I can still remember where we were sitting in St. Athanasius. You were in the row behind me. We were with our parents I think. I don't recall them trying to stop us. Knowing our fun-loving parents, I can believe they secretly loved it. 

© 2025 Jane Kelly

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Jane Kelly, Psychic

I wrote an entire blog entry “Meeting Mr. Smith” that could be construed as referring to my alleged psychic abilities or could be written off to my being a good judge of character. I point that out to emphasize that I am open-minded and do not consider myself psychic. I accept that some people might be. True psychics have some control over the phenomenon. Weird stuff just happens to me sometime.

Weird experience 1

I once developed an office crush on a guy-let’s call him Hank— who liked to lead me on but only to a flirtatious level. He had a girlfriend who worked in the same place. Let me restate that. A girlfriend I knew about. One night I went to an event at the Philadelphia Museum of Art with a girlfriend. We entered through the back and had to work our way through the galleries to the event on the plaza at the top of the recognizable steps (think Rocky).

I led the way. We stepped onto the patio and I headed directly to one of several bars set up for the event.  

“You’re walking like you have radar,” my friend observed.

I turned to her and said, “I have this irresistible urge to move to my left. If the man beside me doesn’t move, I’m going to go nuts.”

With that the man next me to me moved.

“Thank God. Now I can move to my left.”

I did and was standing next to Hank with a girlfriend who also worked at the hospital, but not the one I was knew. After that, my crush kind of faded.

Weird Experience 2

I worked with a man with whom I had a cordial but not friendly relationship. For a while, we lived not too far apart from each other on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I never saw him around the neighborhood. We stopped working together and I never thought about him at all except one rush hour when I was on the subway and he popped into my mind. No idea what I was thinking, but he was the subject of my internal monologue on the train and on the platform I used to catch the crosstown shuttle going east where I walked right into him. He had just gotten off the shuttle coming west. We had a cordial conversation. I never saw him again.

Weird Experience 3

I was disappointed when, in my early twenties, a somewhat erratic relationship ended. It would happened eventually but I would have preferred a bit more time. 

After we drifted apart,  I kept seeing him all over the place. A few examples out of many. I had lost a very good earring in his car. One day he made a left turn in front of me into a K-Mart parking lot. Without thinking I made a turn figuring I could look around while he was in the store. It took less than a minute to realize that was behavior of residents of crazy town. I hit the gas.

One day I was sitting in a shared beach house and I walked out on the porch for no particular reason. A friend came out in time to see him jog by. “Does he just jog up and down hopping you’ll come out?” He definitely wouldn’t do that. Maybe I hadn’t let go psychically.

I remember the last time I laid eyes on him. I was caught in a traffic jam on the East River Drive in Philadelphia. On the left, a steep incline with trees. Not a horrible view. On the right, a lovely view of boathouses and the Schuylkill River beyond. I had been staring out the left window when I thought how dumb that was. So, I turned to my right and, as if cued by the director, he came jogging by and out of my life.

I haven’t seen any of these people again and probably never will because this is not something I can do on demand. Because, I am not psychic.

For proof that I am in no way psychic, see my blog about my encounter with Christopher Reeve. 

© 2025 Jane Kelly

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Introducing Betty Bacobb

I don’t recall when I first met Betty Bacobb. Nor do I remember where she got her name.  

I’m sure that if someone had asked me where her name came from, I would have said that was how she introduced herself—although at the age of four or five I might have simply said, “She told me.” And, I believed her. Why would I not? Of all your friends, the imaginary ones are the least likely to lie to you.

I now question if I might have pieced together her name from my grandmother’s friend, Mrs. Macobb, and, if I somehow heard that her friends called her Betty, Lauren Bacall. Although, I adored Betty White. I might have named my Betty after her.

I don’t remember a lot about Betty Bacobb. I want to say she had blond hair but, to tell you the truth, I can't get a clear picture of her in my mind. I couldn’t pick her out of a line-up. Even when I think about the one event concerning her that I recall best, I don’t see her. Of course, she wasn’t there that night. I don’t think about it often, but cool September evenings bring to mind a walk with my father when we decided to drop by and see Betty Bacobb.

The best scenario I can come up with is that it was a Friday and my father, who didn’t keep beer in the house but did enjoy a beer while watching the Friday Night Fights, walked to a place where you could buy quart bottles of beer. The state of Pennsylvania has tricky Liquor Control Board rules so I have no idea where that might have been. Also, I might be completely wrong about why we were out walking.

Digression 1

Friday night fights during that era was actually a long-running television show called the Gillette Cavalcade of Sports that featured fights from Madison Square Garden. I think the fights came on at 10pm. Watching them with my father (I had no bed-time) imbued me with an intense dislike of the sport. I didn’t last long in front of the TV. I probably never saw Round 2.

Anyway, one balmy autumn evening when walking with my father, I mentioned that Betty Bacobb lived in the house we were passing. My father suggested that maybe we should drop by and see her.

Digression 2

Dropping by was something that people back in the day did. Friends and acquaintances would simply show up at someone’s house and knock on the door. Then, the people who lived in the house would answer the door and invite the previously uninvited visitors in knowing that by doing so they were surrendering any hope of knowing if Perry Mason got his client acquitted.

Digression 2a

Bad example. With one exception, Perry Mason always got his client off.

Digression 2b

There was a possibility if people waited until summer and their show was popular enough it migh warrant a rerun.

Anyway, I was all in for visiting Betty. I led my father up to the front door. We knocked and, as was the custom even after dark, the woman who lived there opened her door wide with no idea of who was standing on her doorstep. These days my father would more likely be viewed through a ring camera as a criminal type exploiting his minor child for his nefarious purposes. Back then? We were greeted with a warm smile.

I don’t recall how my father introduced us. I can imagine him behind me gesticulating wildly over my head in an effort to clarify what he was saying about the friend of his daughter who lived there. I don’t know the truth. After all, he was behind me and I was not much over three feet tall.

I do remember the women’s response. She leaned down to speak to me and, with an apologetic smile, said she was very sorry that Betty wasn’t home right then but she would be happy to tell her we called. (People said called in those days.) I guess I was disappointed that Betty wasn’t home but I was happy we stopped by. 

I don’t recall the last time I hung out with Betty. Eventually, we drifted apart. I suspect she may have ghosted me. I hope she wasn't angry that we dropped by.

© 2024 Jane Kelly

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Keeping Secrets

Today I heard Elton John’s Crocodile Rock on the radio  and it brought back memories of a Friday night in 1973. I cannot recall the experience coming to mind for years, more likely decades.

I had gone out after work with a group of friends to a local bar that probably disappeared years ago in the redevelopment of the area. I have no recollection of the name of the place or the exact location. I don’t remember anything about the night except what happened in the parking lot as I was leaving.

For some reason, it fell to me to take a very drunk coworker home. I didn’t know him well, barely at all. He worked in a different section of my department. I thought of him as a kid. He might have been a couple years younger at a point in life where that a year or two felt like a big difference. I’ll call him Ted because I don’t think I ever knew a Ted and this is about keeping secrets. 

He had too much to drink that night. His inebriation made him quiet, almost comatose but left him capable of telling me where he had to go. I hoped. I never found out. As we approached my little VW bug, a big, seventies-style American car screeched to halt across from us. Not in a parking space, but straddling several spots. A woman jumped out of the passenger seat and ran across the parking lot yelling at Ted. 

I cannot describe what followed in any detail. I don’t think I ever fully grasped what was going on. It turned out the woman was his mother and she was hysterical. The man who followed her tried to exert a calming influence on his wife but failed. Miserably. I could say that Ted remained calm but I think he just withdrew. I had never witnessed any scene like that one outside of a movie theater. 

The last thing I remember was Ted’s mother screaming, running across the parking lot and throwing herself in the air. Like a pole vaulter she got her body into a position parallel to the macadam surface and dropped like a rock to the ground. 

I don’t recall leaving but I left. I am sure I was shaken then and months later when I heard Ted had died. I was no longer at that job or living in the area. I cannot remember who gave me the news. My memory says he died in a car crash. A one vehicle accident. Ted might have been drunk. It was at night, so I found it hard to believe he wasn’t. No one said it was suicide but I found it hard to believe it wasn’t.

His death was sad but that is not what breaks my heart when I think of Ted.

When I witnessed the domestic chaos that was his life, my mother had recently died and I was living in one of the largest counties in Pennsylvania, the fifth most populous state in the United States, with my father who had one of the most common surnames in the country. His first name began with R the 18th letter of the alphabet. 

What breaks my heart is remembering that when Ted reached me late on Saturday afternoon, he told me he had spent the day calling every Kelly in the Montgomery County phone book starting with the As. He begged me to keep what had happened to myself. He didn’t have to beg. I didn’t plan on telling anyone. And I didn’t. Not when it happened and not when he died.

Yes, I never told the story at work but keeping his secret was never a hard, or noble, effort. We never had mutual friends, only acquaintances. I am no longer in touch with anyone who knew Ted but I still wouldn’t use his real name.

I don’t recall talking about this incident but I worry that I ever said enough that someone could piece Ted’s identity together. Even now, fifty-one years after he died, I worry. 

I wonder if I did Ted’s memory a disservice by never explaining to those who probably saw him as a problematic kid just how hard his short life must have been. I couldn’t have witnessed the only chaos in his domestic situation. I knew of one close friend he had at work. He must have known what happened, what was going on. As for me, I didn’t volunteer the information and no one would have asked me. I was only part of his life for a few days.

I have not thought of him in years but today I can’t shake the sadness remembering and hoping that during the little time he had left, he trusted that his secret was safe with me.

Update: Shortly after I published this, I was driving and a friend was giving directions. I couldn't believe I recognized the triangular lot where the bar had stood. I didn't note what replaced it. It was a very different place but the location still brought to mind Ted and his sad end.

© Jane Kelly 2024

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Three Bag Flight

Valdosta Georgia was in the news today. The reason is politics-related but my Valdosta experience has nothing to do with politics. 

I used to do a lot of business travel - up to eight flights a week. The trips blended together in my mind and were immediately forgotten which is, I believe, the way it should be.

And then, there was a rainy night in Georgia. Atlanta to Valdosta. Probably on American Eagle. Definitely on a small plane. It was, in fact, a dark and stormy night.  I knew how dark it was. I didn’t know how stormy it was. At least, my brain didn’t know. My stomach caught on quickly but did its best to hold on through the short flight.

We were getting close to Valdosta when I turned to the man across the aisle and asked if he would talk to me, just to distract me. He smiled, leaned on his armrest and said something like, “Sure I fly this route a lot.”

I replied. “Never mind. Too late.”

At my meeting the next day when people asked how my fight was, I answered that it was a three-bag flight. Only one exchange was a little different.

“When did you get in?”

“Last night.”

“Did you throw up?”

Looking back, I should have asked why were there three air-sickness bags in my seat pocket.

© 2024 Jane Kelly

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Favorite Sons

Anyone remember favorite sons at conventions?  

At the National Convention in 1960 in a speech that felt as if it mentioned his name dozens of times, Mississippi nominated its governor, and favorite son, Ross Barnett, to be the Democratic presidential candidate. For some reason, my family latched onto that idea, but not in a way flattering to the governor. (Barnett was a rabid segregationist.) His name became a household word to cover a variety of negative characteristics usually related to narcissism. Not a common occurrence in Pennsylvania homes.

In the early 1980s, I was in a taxi in Jackson, Mississippi when a car came careening up behind us, barely missed the cab, swerved onto a lawn, drove right across the grass and continued as if the sidewalk were an exit ramp.  

The cab driver did not seem shocked, “That’s Ross Barnett.”  I can’t imagine there would have been a lot of people from the Northeast who appreciated that.  

I could have said, “What a Ross Barnett!” I thought better of it. After all, he was their favorite son. 

© 2024 Jane Kelly